How often do you allow a bad day leak over into the next day and influence that day too? I know I do it all the time!
When a bad day seeps into your whole being and makes your soul ache it can be hard to let it go and wake up with a new perspective the next day.
You have to be careful though, and it happens to me a lot, because eventually you have a whole string of bad days with not so many good ones. That is a hard rut to get out of!
I am trying to find a little bit of good in everyday now to outweigh the bad from the days I struggle.
It’s hard to relearn how to view the world and live in the moment instead of letting the past overshadow and the future overwhelm.
What are some tricks you have for overcoming bad days or a string of bad days?
Is it hard or easy for you to start over the next day new and fresh?